After billing items are approved and processed, they are moved to 'Pending Invoicing' status. You then must create the invoice that is sent to the supplier for Staffing and Project requests. Billing items in this status are still available for editing if you have the correct permission.
- Billing Transfer - For more information about this process, see Billing Transfer.
- Approval Routing - For more information about approval routing, see Approval Routing Configuration.
- Finalization - Invoice is processed and updated with applicable data.
Invoices are created from billings that are mapped to an invoice through an invoice option configuration (see Invoice Options for Locations). The application automatically maps bills to an invoice based on the invoice option set at the engagement level, currency, billing transfer, and billing filter. The option also groups rules for invoice generation. Grouping rules customize invoices to be compiled based on fields that appear on an engagements details and billing sections. Grouping can be beneficial to clients that need to create an individual invoice per supplier, but do not want to configure an invoice option specifically for that supplier. Grouping rules reduce management of this information by MSP users. For more information about invoice details, see Invoices in the System.
Grouping can be configured at the client country level (default settings for each invoice option), or can be set individually on an invoice option.
- Invoice Grouping Rules - to specify which bills are added to an invoice per invoice option
- Create a Standard Invoice - to manually create an invoice
- Schedule Invoice Creation - to set up an automated process to create invoices
Once the invoice reaches a processed state, it is no longer available for modification. In this state, payments can be recorded for the invoice, and billing records can be updated with the check identifier information. Actions that can be constrained based on the invoicing status. For more information about the constraints, see Invoicing Status.
Payments are also applied in the system against outstanding invoices. For more information about applying payment, see Apply a Payment to an Invoice.