Export Billing
- Navigate to the Home page in the Supplier view.
- Click Billing.
- Click Export Billing.
- In the Export Billing: Search section, from the Client field, select the client organization.
From the Type field, select the type of billing entered
to search. You can select multiple types by doing either Command +
Click on a Mac, or Ctrl + Click on a
If you select Time, additionally, select the type of time entered in the Rate Type field.Note: If you do not select any value in the Type field, the search results contain all reportable billing item types.
Use the following search parameters to filter the results:
- Exclude Pending - Select the check box to filter out billing items in the 'Pending' status.
- Exclude Pending MSP Review - Select the check box to filter out billing items that are pending MSP review.
- Exclude Rejected - Select the check box to filter out billing items that have been rejected.
- Exclude Research - Select the check box to filter out billing items that have been marked for research.
- Only Errored Items - Select the check box to only display billing items that have errored out during processing.
From the search results, select the billing items to include in the
You can select all items for the export by selecting the Line# check box in the header row.
The export file is available the Reports section of the application. - Navigate to the Reports page in the Supplier view.
Click Export > Supplier Billing Export.
Use the Supplier Billing Export report to display the results. For more information about this report, see Supplier Billing Export.