Data Anonymization Configuration

The data anonymization function in the VMS is configured at the client country level. These settings can satisfy specific laws and compliance defined by client organizations and/or the country of the client organization. For more information about anonymization of worker data, see Anonymization of Worker Data.
Note: This conflagration does not appear if Configuration > Settings > Configuration > Allow candidate and worker personal data anonymization is disabled. See Client Settings.

The Staffing workers configuration allows you to set up retention policy for staffing worker's personal data. The retention policy defines if personal data of a worker can be removed or not.

Setting Description
Full calendar years passed from the latest - engagement end date or last billing created date The number of full calendar years after the worker's engagement end date or billing date to keep the data.
Number of days passed from the latest - engagement end date or last billing created date The number of days after the worker's engagement end date or billing date to keep the data.

You can view the change history of the settings by clicking .