Onboarding and Offboarding Items

These settings appear for a country in On/Off Boarding > Items.

Compliance items can be restricted from the client manager or delegate on the engagement, even if they have view/edit access to other items. You can assign the 'View Onboarding Compliance' permission on a user account, and set the 'Clients Responsible for Onboarding Compliance' permissions on the item, restricting access to item.

Note: MSPs have full view/edit permissions for all onboarding or offboarding items by default.
Note: A red asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
Note: You can toggle the view between active and all statuses.
Setting Description

Items that you configure appear in the Onboarding and Offboarding sections for client managers and suppliers. They appear as options that can be added for an engagement.

You can add the following types.
  • Documentation
  • Screening
  • Asset Management
  • Skill Checklist
  • Simple Testing
  • Compliance - If you select this category, the Visibility Options section appears. This allows you to configure the fields available to a user when managing the compliance item. For more information about compliance items, see Onboarding and Offboarding Compliance Items.
    After saving an item, you can automatically create a new version. In the Schedule for Create New Version field, enter the number of days before the expiration date of the item to create the new version.
    Note: This field is only used for compliance items associated with Staffing requests/engagements.
    This process does not archive items in the 'Completed' status. If you do not manually archive completed items, the process does not complete.
    Tip: This automation allows a supplier to upload a new version of a certification or license before the older version has expired.

    For more information about archiving compliance items, see Archive Compliance Item.

Name In the Name field, enter the name of the item.
By default, the Description is only visible in the Configuration view. You can make the description visible to both MSPs (On/Offboarding tab) and suppliers (Lifecycle tab) in the client organization's configuration (Configuration > Settings > Configuration > Display On/Offboarding Item Description to Users). See Client Settings.
Note: Before allowing on/offboarding item descriptions to be visible, it is recommended that text is reviewed, especially legacy description text.
Active Use the Active check box to make the item available for use.
Category In the Category drop down, select the type of item to add.
ServiceNow EOR If the client organization is using ServiceNow to onboard payroll (EOR) workers, select this check box. If selected, this item is sent to ServiceNow for assessment/completion by the worker being onboarded. See Onboard Payroll Workers with ServiceNow.
ServiceNow Item Item is sent to ServiceNow for completion. This setting is set when there is a specific template set up in the ServiceNow application that is client specific.
Require before Engagement Select the Required before Engagement check box to make completion of the item required for an engagement to begin.
Do Not Allow Reuse If the Reuse Item functionality is enabled at the client organization level, you can select the Do Not Allow Reuse check box to exclude the item for the workflow. The reuse workflow checks if any non-expired items exist on past engagements for a worker, and allows you to add them to an active engagement. The application automatically transfers the item if enabled, and you must manually add the item by clicking the 'Reuse' blue text link for the item on the news engagement's On/OffBoarding tab.
Access Roles are defined as the client manager or delegate on the engagement, a client manager or delegate on the engagement with the 'View Onboarding Compliance' permission, a supplier, and the MSP for the engagement. Using the check boxes, you can specify the following permissions:
  • View - Allows the item to be visible to a user.
  • Attachments - Allows a user to upload/download files to the item. Users can also delete a file. Files must be in the correct file format.
  • Edit - Allows a user to change the status of an item.
Supplier Templates In the Supplier Templates section, click to add a preconfigured item template. This template is available to supplier users.
Tip: Templates are useful if you require the onboarding or offboarding information submitted in a particular format, such as a form or spreadsheet.